My drive for Yahweh


I am going to give you another testimony about my life. Today I am going to talk about what drives me.

I was very young when I wanted to know God better and I wanted to do more for him. I don't know exactly my age but I think I was 7 or 8. As catholic child I had to do my communion and I was the only one who wanted to sit next to the priest. I didn't understand, I felt honored to sit next to such an important person. I got a Bible for children and I read it over and over and over. I couldn't stop reading it. I was regarly saying to myself that I wanted to know God better. But I didn't know what praying was.

I was as child singing in church choirs. But I didn't like the songs. They were too childish not spiritual enough. Because when I listened to the Latin choir I felt myself so much closer with God. At least that is what I thought then. I didn't know better. And that is what I wanted, being closer with God.

This feeling never changed. When I went to library I borrowed books about God, Jesus and Christian belief and other beliefs. I was searching God in many ways. In catholic church they couldn't answer my questions. And I was disappointed. That’s why I was searching on other places. I tried to find God in Kundalini Yoga and went to paranormal events. All to try to get closer with God.

When I became 40 I got 2 messages that changed my life. The story from the eagle who went to a rock when he is 40. To pick out his feathers and to reshape his nails and beak. This way He renewed everything and he was as new again. And I got a message that the eagles had to wake up and start to fly.

From that moment I went where God sent me. I learned a lot of lessons in this time. My prayer life was strong in this time and I saw some miracles that showed that God was using me. And many years later I grow out to a very strong Christian.

Getting divine inspiration. I knew that I couldn't keep these lessons for myself. I started to reach my children with wisdom from God and put those lessons on Facebook too. This was a big success. And now I have 2 bible study groups. One in Pakistan and one in Kenya. Also I created this website where you can find many of my teachings.

My wish I have already all my life has become a reality in my life. I am very thankful for this. And I am sure more is to come...