The Olive Tree
We are today going to talk about the olive tree. In our study there are 2 kinds. A cultivated olive tree that gives very good fruit. And the wild olive. The wild olive gives fruit, but it’s smaller and not so delicious.
Jeremiah 11:16-17
Yahweh, the Lord gave you a name. He called you, “A green olive tree, beautiful to look at.” But with a powerful storm, He will set that tree on fire, and its branches will be burned up. The Lord Almighty planted you, and He said that disaster will come to you. That is because the house of Israel and the house of Judah have done evil things. They offered sacrifices to Baal, and that made him angry!
The cultivated olive tree with the good fruit is a image for the nation of Yahweh and His Kingdom. Israel and Judah together are Yahweh’s nation. The wild olive tree with less good fruit is a image for the worldly nations. That’s where we coming originally from.
Romans 11: 16
If the first piece of bread is offered to Yahweh, then the whole loaf is made holy. If the roots of a tree are holy, the tree’s branches are holy too.
This verse says that you can’t act like a wild olive branch while you are part of the holy cultivated olive tree. The wild branch is going to give good holy fruit. The less good fruit isn’t there anymore.
This means: You can’t acting like the world is acting when you are joined with Yeshua. You’re going to act like Yeshua. Because you are not connected with the world anymore, you are also not behaving like the world anymore.
The roots of the olive tree are holy. They’re a image of Yeshua. The wild branches are a image of us, Christians believers from a non-israelis nation. The cultivated holy branches are a image of the nation Israël.
Romans 11:17
It is as if some of the branches from an olive tree have been broken off, and the branch of a wild olive tree has been joined to that first tree. If you are not a Israelite, you are the same as that wild branch, and you now share the strength and life of the first tree.
We as wild olive branches have been joined to the cultivated holy olive tree, while some original branches of the cultivated holy olive tree are broken off. This means that we became part of Yahweh’s Kingdom, while some Israelites are no longer part of Yahweh’s Kingdom.
Romans 11:18
But don’t act as if you are better than those branches that were broken off. You have no reason to be proud of yourself, because you don’t give life to the root. The root gives life to you.
It’s not good to be proud. You have not achieved anything. Because it’s Yeshua, the root that gives life. And it’s Yahweh who joined you as wild olive branch on the Holy cultivated olive tree.
Romans 11:19-22
You might say, “Branches were broken off so that I could be joined to their tree.” That is true. But those branches were broken off because they did not believe. And you continue to be part of the tree only because you believe. Don’t be proud, but be afraid. If Yahweh did not let the natural branches of that tree stay, he will not let you stay if stop believing. So you see that Yahweh is kind, but he can also be very strict. He punishes those who stop following Him. But he is kind to you, if you continue trusting in his kindness. If you don’t continue depending on Him, you will be cut off from the tree.
The original branches of the Holy olive tree were broken of because they didn’t believe Yahweh. They didn’t do what He asked them because of this unbelief. You have to know that when you stop to believe Yahweh and start to make your own decisions, He will punish you and break you off from the Holy tree. You will not have fruit anymore. You will dry up and will be thrown in the fire. But when you trust on Him, He will be kind to you and you will bear much fruit.
Romans 11:23-24
And if the Israelites will believe in Yahweh again, He will accept them back. He is able to put them back where they were. It is not natural for a wild branch to become part of a good tree. But you non-Israelites are like a branch cut from a wild olive tree. And you were joined to a good olive tree. But those Jews are like a branch that grew from the good tree. So surely they can be joined to their own tree again.
The original branches will be joined again with the Holy olive tree, when they repent and start to believe again.
The Kingdom of peace that Yahweh promised is what Israel was searching for. It was promised to Israel and Judah, Yahweh’s people. But they were cursed and no longer Yahweh’s people because of their violations of Yahweh’s Law and they didn’t believe that Yeshua was their Savior and King. That’s why they didn’t got their forgiveness. We as Gentiles are because of our belief in Yeshua grafted into the olive tree. That means that we became part of Yahweh’s nation. That we became citizens of His Kingdom. All the promises for Israel are now also counting for us.