The Start of a Poultry Farm

Gepubliceerd op 14 januari 2024 om 20:52

At November the 8th the decision is made to buy an incubator that can contain 500 eggs. We didn't know what a big challenge we started, but with Yahweh’s help it will be a success. This project will help us to raise more money for our church and the organization, but we hope also to create jobs for our congregation. 

We built a chicken coop in the neighborhood of the church. 

And we bought 350 eggs. These ones were put in the incubator. We had bad luck with our incubator. It needed 2 times a repair.

It's January 14th today and the eggs start to hatch. 60 chicks hatched already. We hope that the rest will follow very soon.

On January 16th all the eggs hatched. This means we have now 367 chicks.

Unfortunately our chicks are attacked by the Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). Most of them survived after the vaccination. 12 chicks didn't survive. So the amount decreased to 355 chicks. We had several challenges in the past time. I am not going to report them all. The biggest news from now is that we got our first 67 eggs on the 29th of April 2024.

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